AutoTheme Lite .7 WHAT'S NEW - shared code-base with compatibilty libraries for eNvolution, MD-Pro, PHP-Nuke, PostNuke - portable theme commands and configs - improved admin interface - templates for tables - AutoPrint for printer friendly themes - html 4.01 compliant output (from AutoTheme commands) - commands by user type: all, admin, anonymous, loggedin - extensive theme and template API for modules - different summary and article templates definable for *HomePage and News - shared and custom language files for themes - all news commands included INSTALLATION - Unzip the base AT-Lite distribution into your root CMS directory - Unzip the compatibility pack for your CMS into your root CMS directory - follow the installation instructions from docs/readme.html NEW COMMAND STRUCTURE (only for News at this time) All of the previous commands will still work, but there is a new nomenclature for all commands. text:command will display text of that command (i.e. text:topicimage displays the filename someimage.gif for that topic). You use this as text and can surround it with any formatting tags, styles, etc. html:command will display preformatted HTML (i.e. html:searchtopic displays the Anchor and Image tags to display that image and when clicked, displays that topic page sometopic ) url:command will display the text of the URL for that command (i.e. url:searchtopic displays the text of the URL only, modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=&topic=1). You can use this in your own Anchor tags. Any Module specific commands will be prefixed with the module name (i.e. News commands are news:text:command, news:html:command and news:url:command. All commands are lowercase. NEW COMMANDS print-link News Module Commands (used in article and summary templates) * Most are self-explanatory, if not, then you probably won't need it. news:text:aid news:text:bodytext news:text:catthemeoverride news:text:cid news:text:cattitle news:text:comments news:text:counter news:text:hometext news:text:informant news:text:notes news:text:sid news:text:themeoverride news:text:tid news:text:time news:text:title news:text:topicname news:text:topicimage news:text:topictext news:text:tcounter news:text:unixtime news:text:withcomm news:text:topicid news:text:topic news:text:catid news:text:version news:text:longdatetime news:text:briefdatetime news:text:longdate news:text:briefdate news:text:catandtitle news:text:maintext news:text:fulltext news:html:bodytext news:html:bytesmore news:html:category news:html:comment news:html:hometext news:html:notes news:html:searchtopic news:html:print news:html:readmore news:html:send news:html:title news:html:version news:html:more news:html:catandtitle news:html:maintext news:html:fulltext news:url:category news:url:comment news:url:fullarticle news:url:searchtopic news:url:print news:url:send news:url:version